Project Name: Maryland and Delaware Climate Change Education Assessment and Research (MADE CLEAR)

Location: Maryland and Delaware

Who We Are:  MADE CLEAR focuses on ensuring that the current generation of students is able to make informed choices based on evidence, experiences, and trustworthy information about climate and climate change.

Mission: MADE CLEAR will embed climate 
change education into formal and 
informal education in Maryland and
 Delaware and build a sustainable
 capacity of educators to deepen 
student understanding of climate 
change challenges facing the region
 and the world as a whole. In doing
 so, MADE CLEAR will utilize the sociocultural diversity of the region and key learning principles to develop models of climate change
education that are effective, scalable and transferable.

What We Do:

What We Offer:

  • The Maryland Public Television portal with resources aligned to state and national standards
  • Multiday professional development for teachers, university faculty, and informal educators
  • Online learning communities
  • Opportunities for fulfilling grant requirements for broader impact and outreach
  • Guidance and assistance for implementing NGSS and Environmental Literacy Standards
  • Mechanisms for collaboration among higher education, K-12, and informal education

Example Offerings:

Audience: Teachers, University Faculty, Informal Educators

Collaborators/Partners: University System of Maryland, University of Delaware, Maryland State Department of Education, Delaware Department of Education, Maryland Public Television, Delaware State University, Center of Science and Industry, Delaware Sea Grant, Maryland Sea Grant, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control

Whom to Contact: Dr. Jennifer Merrill, Interim Project Director,

Name & Affiliations of Principal Investigators, Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Donald Boesch, University of Maryland, Dr. Nancy Brickhouse, University of Delaware, Dr. Nancy Shapiro, University of Maryland, Dr. Nancy Targett, University of Delaware